Tuesday, April 10, 2012

All I Want is Happiness!

What is our ultimate goal in this life? If you're a Christian you might answer that question in many different ways. You might say our goal is to glorify God or spread the gospel. But if we take an honest look at ourselves, at our thoughts and the way we live, would our true goal be these things? Based on the desires we most often pursue, our true ultimate goal is most likely happiness. Everybody wants to be happy. That's why the American Dream is to have 2.5 kids with a big house, successful career, and a nice car. It's why we always want that one more thing that will finally make us happy. If only I had _________ I would be happy. We pursue happiness at all costs. That's why we get jealous. That's why I ask myself questions like these: "Why did God allow me to get Lupus? Why do other people seem to have it so much easier? Why is it easier for others to be happy? It's not fair."  Why does God allow bad things to happen? Why are some people dealt worse cards than others? These are not easy questions to answer. But I think one part of it is that God sees our lives differently than we do. He sees the big picture. He has a different goal in mind than our happiness.

Wait a minute, are you saying God doesn't care if I'm happy or not? No, God delights in us and loves us and cares about us. He doesn't want to see us hurting. But there are other things more important to God than our happiness. God wants to make us holy. God wants to transform us into new creations. Will we ever change if our lives are only ease and comfort? Will we truly experience God's presence if we never face pain? 
God wants us to relentlessly pursue him, not happiness. He wants a close relationship with us and every relationship needs events that bring the two closer together. Many people in the Bible faced trials of every kind. David was constantly under attack from his enemies. He wrote many Psalms asking God, "Why have you forsaken me?" But he kept his faith and praised God through the storms. Someday we will be with God and there will be no more trials. Until then we should be content with the good things God has blessed us with on earth. And we must remember, life is not about happiness. Life is about God: loving him, serving him by loving others. That should be our ultimate goal and purpose. Really, if you let go of the idea that you are entitled to a perfect life, you will experience greater peace. True joy comes from knowing Jesus and the hope he gives. 

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